Saturday 25 January 2014

VLSI Assignment 1

Assignment 1

1. Draw a flowchart and explain the design process for FPGA, CPLD based digital designs
Or  Draw  and  write about VLSI design flow Or  Draw  VLSI system design  flow  diagram  and  briefly  explain  each  block.

2.  Write briefly about different levels of abstraction. OR Briefly elaborate different levles  of abstraction in VLSI Design

3. Briefly write about various features and capabilities of VHDL language

4. Explain different elements of VHDL with syntax

5. Write the meaning of ‘Identifiers’ used in VHDL.  With suitable examples write  about  the  various  rules  to  look  at before  choosing  any identifier.

6. Write briefly about operators in VHDL. or Which  are  the  different  types  of 'operators’ that  operate  on signals, variables  and constants in  VHDL? Summarize all types, and with suitable example elaborate ‘shift’ kind of operators.  OR  Which  are  the  different types  of 'Operators'  that  operate  on  signals, variables  and constants  in  VHDL? Summarize all types, and with suitable examples elaborate’ Logical’ operators.

7.  Explain with example Package in VHDL or Explain Package in VHDL or what is meant by 'Package' in VHDL? With the help of proper syntax briefly write about package body and package declaration

8. Explain the multi-valued logic in VHDL

9. Explain the syntax for physical literals.  Write a physical type for current (nA,  pA, mA,  A).

10. Explain with example the syntax of configuration statement

11.  Write a short note on libraries in VHDL

12. Explain different data types in VHDL

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