Friday 28 June 2013


            The Xilinx Integrated Software Environment (ISE) allows users to design circuits for Xilinx FPGA’s and CPLD’s. It involves the use of Project Navigator, a user interface that helps user to manage the entire design process including design entry, simulation, synthesis, implementation and finally downloading the design onto an FPGA or CPLD.
1. Start ISE from the Start menu by selecting Start -> Programs -> Xilinx ISE 9.2 -> Project Navigator. The ISE Project Navigator opens. The Project Navigator   manages the sources and processes in ISE project.
2. The next step is to create a new ISE project. To create a new project for this tutorial:
Ø  Select File -> New Project. The New Project Wizard appears as shown in Figure 2.2
Ø  First, enter a location (directory path) for the new project.
Ø  Type fadd (for example) in the Project Name field. After typing fadd in the Project Name field, a counter subdirectory is created automatically in the directory path selected.
Ø  Select Schematic in the Top-Level Source Type list, indicating that the top-level file in project will be a schematic rather than HDL, EDIF or NGC/NGO. Click Next to go to the Device Properties window.

Figure 2.2 Creating a new project
3. In the Device Properties window, select Target device, Simulator tool, Synthesis tool and Hardware language which is used to design code.
4. Click Next three times and reach the Project Summary window. This window gives an overview of project created so far. Click on Finish and the project is created. Verify that the project name is fadd.ise (shown as the last component in the title bar of the Project Navigator). You can also verify by going to the location where you created the project and double-clicking on the folder named fadd.
5. Create a top level schematic for your design. In the Sources window, right click on
xc3s400-4pq208 and select New Source. A New Source Wizard window appears as shown in Figure 2.3. Select Schematic and enter fadd under file name. Make sure the “Add to project” checkbox is checked.

Figure 2.3 Creation of a schematic source file
6. Click Next two times followed by Finish to create the fadd.sch file under the project folder. Figure 2.4 shows the final layout of the project after the source file is created. If the schematic is not visible, click on the “fadd.sch” tab at the bottom of the main design window to see the schematic.
Ø  Select the required components from symbols by specifying proper category in source window.
Ø  Drag and drop the component symbols.
Ø  Assign ports and complete the circuit using wire.
Ø  Check errors and warnings. Clearing those errors is must.
Ø  Follow the standard procedure for simulation, synthesis and implementation

Figure 2.4 Project Navigator showing top-level schematic

Floorplanning is the process of:
Ø  Choosing the best grouping and connectivity of logic in a design, and
Ø  Manually placing blocks of logic in an FPGA device.
The goals of floorplanning are to:
Ø  Increase density, routability, or performance.
Ø  Reduce route delays for selected logic by suggesting a better placement.
Floorplanning has become necessary as designers create ever-more complex designs for ever-larger FPGA devices. Implementation software has improved to meet these complexities. On some designs, you can guide the implementation software by means of a floorplan to:
Ø  Higher system clock frequency
Ø  Shorter implementation run times
Ø  Greater consistency in timing
Ø  In some cases, all of these benefits together

Benefits of Floorplanning
A good floorplan can:
Ø  Improve performance.
Ø  Enable a placed and routed design to meet timing.
Xilinx recommends floorplanning when a design:
Ø  Does not meet timing consistently, or
Ø  Has never met timing.
When to Floorplan
When to floorplan varies greatly among design teams. Design teams may floorplan:
Ø  Before the first iteration through place and route.
Ø  When a problem is identified before floorplanning.
Ø  When a design does not consistently meet the setup timing constraint.

    Floorplanning Considerations
Ø  Floorplanning is often an iterative process. The first pass at a floorplan may address issues in one section of the design, only to reveal that a different section is failing.
Ø   Floorplanning can hurt timing as well as improve it.
This is especially true when it is not clear what needs to be floorplanned, and where the design needs to be placed.
Ø  Multiple trials and notes about the design can help you create a working floorplan.
            The Floorplanner is a graphical placement tool that gives you control over placing a design into a target FPGA using a “drag and drop” paradigm with the mouse pointer.
The Floorplanner displays a hierarchical representation of the design in the Design Hierarchy window using hierarchy structure lines and colors to distinguish the different hierarchical levels. The Floorplan window displays the floorplan of the target device into which you place logic from the hierarchy. The following figure shows the windows on the PC version.

 Figure 2.5 Floorplanner Window

 Floorplanning Prerequisites
            The Floorplanner is specifically intended to assist those users who require some degree of handcrafting for their designs. You must understand both the details of the device architectures and how floorplanning can be used to refine a design. Successful floorplanning is very much an iterative process and it can take time to develop a floorplan that outperforms an "automatically" processed design. Because of the nature of the Floorplanner’s interaction with the automatic MAP and PAR tools, several prerequisites are necessary in order to floorplan your design successfully.
Ø  Detailed knowledge of the specifics of the target architecture and part
Ø  Detailed knowledge of the specifics of the design being implemented
Ø  A design that lends itself to floorplanning
Ø  A willingness to iterate a floorplan to achieve the desired results
Ø  Realistic performance and density goals

 Features of the Floorplanner
            The Floorplanner provides an easy-to-use graphical interface that offers the following features.
Ø  Interacts at a high level of the design hierarchy, as well as with low-level elements such as I/Os, function generators, tristate buffers, flip-flops, and RAM/ROM
Ø  Captures and imposes complex patterns, which is useful for repetitive logic structures such as interleaved buses
Ø  Automatically distributes logic into columns or rows
Ø  Uses dynamic rubberbanding to show the ratsnest connections
Ø  Finds logic or nets by name or connectivity
Ø  Permits design hierarchy rearrangement to simplify floorplanning
Ø  Groups logic by connectivity or function
Ø  Identifies placement problems in the Floorplan window
Ø  Provides online help

References will be updated soon.

Thursday 27 June 2013

Time to Digital Converters

Introduction to Time to Digital Converters
           Time to Digital Converter (TDC) is a device for converting a signal of sporadic pulses into a digital representation of their time indices. In other words TDC is an electronic stop watch for measuring quick physical events. In a simple case shown in figure 1.1 the time interval measured between leading edge of two electrical pulses applied to the inputs Start and Stop of TDC. Normally the pulses are generated from time discriminator used to extract the timing information from the pulses received from the detectors of some physical events, for example, light flashes.     

I designed different architectures of TDCs on FPGA. I created this blog to share my little knowledge about FPGA programming and VLSI Design. I am working on Time to Digital Converters. If any one need help on these topics contact me through this blog.